Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Cell

Most of our friends have more and older children than we do so I've always heard them tell really funny stories about things that their children do/say. Most of these stories involve someone getting hurt or something getten broken. Well, now I have one!

Just Friday, Brent learned how to throw stuff into the trash can. He has watched us do it for a long time and finally decided he was going to start doing it as well. I was really impressed because he was actually throwing trash into the trashcan. Well, when Brandon and I got up Saturday morning, he could not find his cell phone anywhere. We looked in all the obvious places and then began to look in the not-so-obvious places. We assumed that Brent had put it somewhere because like every other baby he loves cell phones. Just joking around, I told Brandon that he should probably check the trash can since Brent now knew how to use it. After searching every spot in the house Brent could have put the phone, I more seriously suggested that Brandon look in the trash can. Well, he did...and it was there. In the bottom resting in a puddle of who-knows-what.

Needless to say, the phone is destroyed. We spent half the day getting Brandon a new one. He was unable to retrieve any of his contacts (this is a company cell phone). But now Brent has his very own real cell phone (and holder).

It's clipped to his pants.

Look at that mischevious face!

1 comment:

Carla Geddes said...

LOL... As frustrating as that is, it is so funny...well perhaps because it wasn't my cellphone. lol.
Luke is learning how to ransack my house and get into everything too... it drives me insane half the time, but sometimes I just have to laugh at the things his little mind comes up with to do.