Owen has had bad reflux since birth and even after being on 2 medications for almost 4 months now it hasn't really gotten any better. Here lately he has been having a really hard time going poo which has given him a terrible tummy ache. I counted up and for the month of Jan. Owen only went to the bathroom 3 times. So far for the month of Feb. he hasn't gone yet. He also has a terrible case of craddle cap which I have been working on for 2 months now and still isn't gone! He had a hernia behind his belly button and fluid in his testicles. (too much info? sorry). Those 2 things don't cause any pain but knowing they are there are just enough to make a mom worry.
Despite all these ailments Owen is still a great sleeper and has been sleeping through the night for a couple months now. He is determined to be a happy baby so in between spitting up and trying to get rid of bad tummy pains caused by bathroom build-up he smiles and coos and sings and has just now started to laugh a bit. He actually talks ALOT. I don't know that I've ever seen a little baby talk as much as he does. If this is any indication of how he is going to be as a toddler I am in for it because Brent never shuts up. (and I mean this in a sweet, loving, motherly way :)
The doc told me over and over again how fortunate we are that Owen is able to breast feed. She said if I had him on formula I would probably want to return him to the hospital. haha. It does make me feel good to know that even though there is so little I can do to help him right now I am at least giving him that advantage. She recommended that we go ahead and put him on solids in hopes that it will help with both his reflux and bathroom issues. His first solid food: pears. She is hoping that the fiber will get him straight. So, when Brandon gets home tonight we are going to experiment!
I try very hard not to complain because Owen really is a happy, sweet baby and I know that these things are just little things and it really could be so much worse. I know we are so fortunate to have Owen in our family and I feel so blessed to be his mommy.
Here are my little man's 4 month stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 3 oz. (25-50%)
Height: 23 in. (10%)
Head: 16.75 (50%)
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