Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Yellow Easter

This has definitely been a yellow Easter. And I am not referring to bright yellow flowers blooming, or yellow Easter eggs...I am talking about POLLEN. The reason that I have not been able to BREATHE for the last 4 days! Despite all the coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes, we had a WONDERFUL Easter to remember. We had Easter at my house this year and it was a lot of fun having family over and eating good food!

Brent loved riding on the bike!

A new Easter treat I experimented with this year.

Brent woke up sick Easter morning from all the pollen but after some medicine and a good hour of cuddle time he was ready to tear into his Easter gifts!

1 comment:

Sarah, Jordan, and Faye said...

gosh he is growing up so fast and I only have met him once LOL